Past Events
NABS 2022 Healing Events

Protecting Our Children: A Conversation on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
Monday, December 12th 2022, 1pm CT
with Special Guest: Sandy White Hawk
Opening provided by Indigenous youth
On Monday, December 12 at 1pm CT, NABS held a conversation about the Indian Child Welfare Act, the current state of child welfare in Indian Country, and caring for ourselves when heavy emotions are heightened during this time. The history of Indian Child Welfare in the United States has been one of removal, beginning with Federal Indian Boarding School policies.

Exploring the Impacts of Childhood Trauma through an Indigenous Lens and Supporting the Paths Toward Healing
Tuesday, October 25th 2022, 12pm CT
with Special Guest: Dr. Maegan Rides at the Door
Opening provided by Ka'au Ahina
NABS spent time learning from Dr. Maegan Rides at the Door, Director of the National Native Children's Trauma Center, about the impacts of childhood trauma.
It is important to view the definition of trauma, its impacts, and the pathways toward healing through an Indigenous lens. This session explored the various impacts of childhood trauma including cultural, holistic, immediate, delayed, and developmental impacts of trauma. This session will also discuss individual, familial, and community-wide impacts of trauma and present how we can support healing in Tribal communities.

A Night of Remembrance: Honoring Boarding School Survivors and Those Who Never Made it Home
Thursday, September 29th 2022, near Minnesota Capitol

"Voices from Pezihutazizi Oyate: Boarding School Histories"
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
On Wednesday September 21st at 12pm CT NABS hosted a film screening and panel discussion on the short film “Voices from Pezihutazizi Oyate: Boarding School Histories".
Over the past few years NABS has partnered with the Upper Sioux Community on a digitization and oral history project, one of the results of this partnership was a short film looking at the unique experiences of the Yellow Medicine Nation.
The panel was moderated by NABS Creative Director Kenrick Escalanti and featured community members and experts.

7 Weeks of Action for 7 Generations! Uplifting HR.5444/S.2907, the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT
On Tuesday, September 13 at 3pm ET NABS hosted 7 Weeks of Action for 7 Generations a call to action to highlight HR.5444/S.2907, the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act.
We held a two hour event with over 500 registrants. We had a dynamic list of elected officials, youth leaders, tribal advocates, and allies who attended. It will take each and everyone of us to ensure HR. 5444 / S.2907 gets passed in Congress. For the first week of action we ask that you call Congressional leadership with the following message: "During the month of November, which is Native American Heritage Month, I ask that you provide time on the floor to bring forward the Truth and Healing Commission Bill (H.R. 5444 in the house / S.2907 in the Senate)."

Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ Resilience: The Legacy and Impacts of Indian Boarding Schools
Thursday, June 30, 2022
1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. CT
With guests: Lenny Hayes, Sadé Heart of the Hawk, and Landa Lakes.
Moderated by: Candi Brings Plenty
NABS hosted a panel exploring the experience of two spirit and lgbtq+ folks in Indian Boarding Schools, those who have experienced the intergenerational impacts of Indian Boarding Schools, and the resilience of our peoples. Indian Boarding Schools were in large part designed to permanently alter indigenous understandings of gender and sexuality. In this era of truth telling, we must bring to light the way Indian Boarding Schools have shaped our understanding of gender and sexuality in Indian Country, and our collective path to decolonization.

Self-Care in a Time of Truth and Healing:
Healing Our Spirit, Creating Safety Within
Friday, May 20, 2022
1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. CT
with Special Guest: Serene Thin Elk
Moderated by: Deidre Whiteman
NABS had a timely conversation about holding space for ourselves and each other in a time of truth and healing. With last week’s historic release of the Interior Department report and the first congressional hearing on HR 5444 (Truth and Healing Commission Bill), we recognize that uncomfortable emotions and body reactions may come up. For that reason, this Friday, May 20, at 1-2:30 pm CT, we have invited Serene Thin Elk (Ihanktonwan Nakota) MH, LAC, QMHP, who is the Chief Behavioral Health Officer at South Dakota Urban Indian Health, and will share methods of intergenerational healing and self-care.

Healing From Child Removal: Boarding Schools, Adoption, and Foster Care
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
2:00 PM EST/1:00 PM CST/12:00 PM MST/11:00 AM PST/10:00 AM AKST/9:00 AM HST
Moderator: Sandy White Hawk (Sicangu Lakota)
Featured speakers: Jim LaBelle Sr. (Inupiaq) and Dakota Hoska (Oglala Lakhota Nation)
In April NABS held a panel discussion on healing from the impacts of child removal. Native children have been targeted for removal from their families and Tribal nations for generations. The Indian boarding school policies were the first Indian child welfare policy in the United States. With the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) under attack in the court system, it's more important than ever that we educate about the long-standing legacy of the impacts of child removal from Native families.

Medicine for Self-Love
Monday, February 14, 2022
1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST/11:00 AM MST/10:00 AM PST/9:00 AM AKST/8:00 AM HST
Presenter: Dr. Rosalyn LaPier (Blackfeet/Métis)
In our first event of 2022 Dr. Rosalyn LaPier (Blackfeet/Métis) shared methods of intergenerational healing through plant medicines, traditional ecological knowledge, and self-care. On a day that many celebrate love, we wanted everyone to remember how important it is to show love to yourself!
NABS 2021 Virtual series:
Boarding School Healing: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit
Healing Through Indigenous Mindfulness and Neurodecolonization
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CT
Presenter: Dr. Michael Yellow Bird (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara)
Situating his work at the intersection of decolonization and mindfulness, Dr. Michael Yellow Bird’s work seeks to cultivate healing by weakening the effects of colonization through Indigenous mindfulness practice, facilitating resistance, and opening opportunities to promote traditional practices. Dr. Yellow Bird has been practicing mindfulness meditation since 1975 and has integrated this practice to support the healing of Indigenous people and helping professionals working with Indigenous communities.
Click HERE to watch on Youtube
Boarding School Healing: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit
Indian Boarding School Cemeteries and Missing Children
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. CT
Presenters: Heather Whiteman Runs Him (Absaalooke), Marsha Small (Tsitsistas), Lauren Peters (Unangax̂), Christine Diindiisi McCleave (Turtle Mountain Anishinaabe)
Moderator: Samuel B. Torres (Mexica-Nahua)
Join us on May 26th for a panel discussion regarding the intersections between Indian boarding school cemeteries, the UN filing on missing children, and the call to form a federal Truth and Healing Commission on Indian boarding schools.
Click here to watch on YouTube
Boarding School Healing: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit
Beyond Historical Trauma: Indigenous Traditions Lead The Pathway to Resilience and Healing
April 21, 2021
6 p.m. – 8 p.m. CT
Presenter: Nancy Bordeaux (Oceti Sakowin), President/Founder of Tawacin Tanka
Moderators: Christine Diindiisi McCleave (Turtle Mountain Anishinaabe) and Samuel B. Torres (Mexica-Nahua)
Healing the whole person, families, and Indigenous communities can happen whether you are a boarding school survivor or you have experienced trauma in other ways. What has been broken can be healed, what has been disconnected can be reconnected.
Click Here to watch on YouTube
Boarding School Healing: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit
#TruthAndHealing: The Movement and the Commission
March 31, 2021
12 p.m. – 2 p.m. CT
Presenter: Christine Diindiisi McCleave (Turtle Mountain Anishinaabe), CEO, National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
Join NABS CEO, Christine Diindiisi McCleave, as we kick-off this year’s webinar series titled, “Boarding School Healing: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit.” During this first webinar Christine will offer a comprehensive overview of NABS’s work, and will examine how we are growing into a new era of Truth, Healing, and Justice. This holistic session will also offer insights into the development and organizing behind an Indian Boarding School Truth and Healing Commission in the United States and how you can support and be a part of the Truth and Healing Movement.
Click here to watch on YouTube
To Learn more about our 2021 Webinar Series, visit our WEBINAR EVENT page
November 18, 2020
Boarding School Healing Virtual Summit 2020
“Healing Narratives: Past, Present, and Future”
July-August 2020
Boarding School Healing Webinar Series
Truth in History: Examining Indian Boarding Schools in California
Part 1: Understanding and Addressing the Legacy of Indian Boarding Schools through Examining Records
Part 2: Reviewing the Records and Histories of Indian Boarding Schools in California
Part 3: Sharing and Contextualizing the Sherman Indian Museum
February-December 2019
Boarding School Healing Webinar Series
The 10-episode series will educate audiences about the history and impacts of U.S. Indian boarding schools and feature positive examples of how tribal nations are healing from the ongoing legacies of the Boarding School Era.
November 19-21, 2019
NABS’s 2nd Annual Conference: Honoring Native Survivance
Tulalip, WA
October 14, 2019
Digital Access to Dispersed Records: A Look at Native American Boarding School Records Live Webcast
May-June 2019
Independent Indigenous Film and Media Workshop
October 2-3, 2018
The Spirit Survives: A National Movement Toward Healing